Hey all! I am SO excited to announce my part in Young Living Essential Oils! I have been hearing so many great things about them, and decided to finally sign up as an independent distributor. This means that I got the Premium start up kit- 10 Everyday oils, a home diffuser, and the starter kit.
Since receiving these, I have been so pleased with each oil. There are some single oils, and some blends. I have also been blending oils together, and everything is just awesome. A couple of things that I have been doing are:
Sleep: I diffuse Frankincense, and then apply Lavender to the bottom of my feet. Has been awesome for a good nights rest, waking up refreshed!
Migraines: Panaway- I use two drops on my temples, sinuses, as well as the back of my neck.. Gone!
Teething & sleep for Daniel- 4 drops of Gentle Baby in his bath, 1 drop Lavender on his feet, Frankincense diffused, as well as Clove/ Thieves diluted and can be applied directly on the gums...Immediate life saver!
Immune boost- 2 drops of Lemon in my water, as well as Thieves diffused and applied on bottom of feet(at night).
Congestion- Peppermint in a bowl of steaming water, breathe in.. Cleared my congestion for the whole night.
I am just getting started on these oils, and am learning more each day! There are TONS of uses for each oil (singles or blends). I have already had many people give me recipes for everything you can think of.
Take a look at my website, and if you want to sign up as a wholesale member or just a retail customer trying some for the first time you may go to sign up:
If there are any questions you may have, feel free to contact me directly!
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