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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 29: Instagram

I recently started to follow some accounts of moms and other people that were either recommended to me, or I just somehow came across and liked their way of parenting/ lifestyle. Or they are my friends! .. In no particular order:

1. Montanashea 
2. Jcj5769
3. Theeadesfamily 
4. Amysangster53
5. _derlim_xo
6. Alexcastellon (my hubby, even though he never posts anything!) 
7. Ashpox3

Friday, September 27, 2013

Day 28: Remember the name

Fame! That is something many people envy. I for one do not wish to be famous! Being a celebrity comes with many obstacles such as money, press, paparazzi, stress, and much more. Money is a great and horrible thing at the same time. It changes good people into bad people overnight, and could be dangerous if in the wrong hand. Yes, I would love to be wealthy, but I would not like to be a publicized person. If I were to be famous for something, I would want it to be for running my own business or helping children. I would never want to be  Hollywood famous.

Day 27: Happy Holidays

Hmmmmm, this is a tough one! There are tons of good ideas for a holiday, but I feel like they should be important. I think a nice holiday would be one where everyone gives back to something or someone that has helped them in life. It would be a nice gesture to show appreciation for the people who have contributed to your success and well being! 

Day 26: DIY

I can't really think of many D.I.Y. things that I have created, however when Daniel was in the womb and I was creating his nursery, I made cute letters to spell out his name for the wall! It was easy, cheap, and really fun to do and it turned out great! 

I bought the letters and paint at Michaels Craft Store and just painted and dotted away! 

It's hard to see in the photo, but the base color is a light brown and the dots are baby blue, light orange, and a light green.

Day 25: Improvements

There are so many things that I wish I were better at, but there is one that tops the list. I truly wish I was better at not being so moody. I have a short temper and a mean mouth and I wish it weren't that way. I often hurt people with words, when that was not my intention at all.
I try very hard to work on it, and it is something I will have to work at for many years.

Day 24: Meet & Greet

There are SO many people I would love to meet, however there is one in particular that I have really loved following. Jessica Alba! Yes, most would think I would like to meet her because she's famous, but that is not true. Ever since she came out with the Honest products, I have really grown to like her and her mission. I feel like (from what I see on IG and FB) that she really cares about what is used for and around our children, and I love that. She has made a wonderful line of not only baby products, but household items as well. I think she would be a great person to meet and talk to.

Day 23: Upcycle

I am not very handy when it comes to reusing or redoing things. I like crafts, just not out of my own scraps, because I am not that creative. So for this post, I have nothing to write about!

I'll talk about Daniel instead :)

He is doing fantastic. Happy as ever and growing like a little weed. I am so excited to watch him grow and learn, yet a little sad because I know he is growing out of his baby stage :(

So far on the food list we have tried bananas and carrots. Well, he loved the bananas.. and the carrots... not so much. The first try with carrots he was literally gagging, poor thing. But I pushed forth and kept trying, and now he is like a little birdie, opens his mouth wide open and loves them, yay!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I have been slacking on the blog challenge! We are in search of a home and between that and my class and taking care of a rambunctious 6 month old , I have lost track of many things!

Some updates on Daniel:

He will be 6 months old on Tuesday, the 1st. I can't believe it, where does time go?

His reflux is getting much better! His GI doctor is very pleased with his progress, so that was good to hear!

He is sitting up with little support and at times no support. He tries sitting up in his car seat, bath, and rocker! 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Day 22: Anywhere in the world

If there was one place in the world that I would want to go to, I would have a hard time picking. There are so many beautiful places and it is tough to just choose one! 

Tahiti has always been on the top of my travel list. It seems so relaxing and peaceful, so beautiful as well. It would be great to go there and relax and enjoy the beauty of the ocean and mountains for what they are, because I am so caught up in day to day life that it's hard to take in the beauty outside! 

Day 21: Shopping Spots

I love shopping for Daniel, as if I haven't said it a million times. There are tons of places to shop, but I definitely have my favorite!

1. Buy buy baby
2. Macys
3. Target 
4. Amazon
5. Baby Gap 


Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 20: Kindness

I have proudly patted myself on the back for what I did on Wednesday. This post is about doing an act of kindness for the day, however I didn't go anywhere so I will share what happened on Wednesday! 

Last week, I posted on a Milk Sharing page that I had 200oz of milk pumped & frozen to donate, because Daniel is sensitive to the dairy in it. A local mom contacted me immediately, and said she was in need of milk to supplement with for her 5 month old son. She drove to meet me on Wednesday, and I sent her away with 200oz of milk! She messaged me this morning thanking me, and it really made me happy. I am so glad that I was able to help this mom & baby! It feels good to do good for others. 

Day 19: Holiday

I love Thanksgiving! I love the weather, the food, and the meaning behind the holiday. I give thanks all year round, however I truly appreciate Thanksgiving for showing people the true meaning of giving thanks. I wish we had the changing leaves in South Florida, but with or without the leaves I love this holiday! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 18: Goals

As a parent, I will always strive to be the best I can for my children and my family. I think it is important to set a good example from the very beginning, and always show love and respect. My goals as a parent are simple and practical.
1. Teach my children about Christ and the power of Prayer.
2. Teach them love, respect, manners, and kindness.
3. Teach them right from wrong, and praise them for each thing they do right. But to never scold for what they do wrong, instead offer an alternative to show them the proper thing to do.
4. Set a good example for them to look up to.
5. To raise them healthy and headstrong and happy.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fuss monster

It's been one of those weeks! Teething is not my friend at the moment, and my heart hurts for Daniel as he goes through this! He is still happy a couple hours out of the day so I cherish those hours and replay them in my mind while he is being a monster :(

It is so close to starting solids and I am so excited! I feel like he is getting hungrier, so it's perfect timing. I can't wait to make videos and post pictures of his messiness.

I started my online class this week. I am taking Nutrition as a part of my pre-reqs for Nursing. I am excited to be back in the curriculum, but dreading when I start full time.. He will be over a year old then, so it won't be too bad. I plan to earn my RN, and then look into becoming a birth doula, or a labor & delivery nurse. I absolutely love babies and nursing, and I want to help as many babies as possible. I also would love to be a NICU nurse, I think it would be an amazing experience to help such tiny miracles.

I have a freezer stash of milk that I am donating to a mommy in need. She reached out to me through a milk bank, and since I can't use the frozen milk since Daniel is sensitive to the dairy in it, I would much rather donate it than dump it. She will be coming to pick it up in the morning! It feels good to be able to help another mom and baby out.

Day 17: Most Liked

From our engagement session!

Family photos.

4 months. 

Day 16- Things That Make Me Happy

1. My husband 

2. Our son

3. Good food 

4. Good friends

5. Horseback riding

6. Our dog

7. Make up 

8. Flowers

9. The beach

10. Sleeping! 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 15- Favorite Quote

I posted an entry about realizing many things, and one of those were who stays in your life through the good and bad. It's hard to let go of people you thought we're a "true" friend, but in the end it will only better you. Don't waste your time on people who have no time for you. Instead, focus on strengthening your relationship with people that have proven their friendship to you!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Places Id Go- Day 13

I started this post on my phone, and I guess I never went to post it, so I lost all that I wrote! Here it goes again..

If there were any place I wanted to move, it would be hard to pick. There are a few places in the U.S. that I would love to live in, as well as places outside of the U.S. that seem enjoyable.

Within the United States, I would love to either live in Colorado, North Carolina, or Virginia. I have been to North Carolina many times and each time fell in love with the scenery and atmosphere.. Virginia seems very beautiful as well. Colorado, I like because of the mountains. I think it would be a great change from Florida.

Outside of the United States, I would love to either live in Australia or Hawaii. Both seem to have beautiful views, and a great atmosphere..relaxing. They are both also different lifestyles from here, so that would be fun. I also loved Italy when I traveled there and think it would be a very different experience to live where English is not the main language, so I would love to experience that.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Go To Meal- Day 14

It seems that every month there is a new favorite meal in our home. I love to cook and try new recipes and add my own touch to them. Right now we are really enjoying a pretty simple dish, but soo yummy! It's easy peasy to make and is filling and enjoyable. It't a two way dish, meaning it can be used for a nice meal if you're having people over for dinner, and also just a plain old comfort meal. It's a classic chicken parm, but has no eggwash (since I can't eat eggs!)

I use:

6 chicken cutlets
1 bag of Panko Italian Breadcrumbs
1 box of Linguine
1 cup of flour
About 2 cups of water
1 jar of Mario Batali marinara sauce (so delish)
Mozzarella Cheese
Parmesan Cheese

Preheat oven to 350
Heat olive oil in a skillet to medium-high heat
Put sauce in a pot to warm
Boil water for pasta and cook as directed

Drench chicken in flour, dip in water, drench in breadcrumbs.. repeat with the rest of chicken

After all are coated and oil is HOT, add chicken to skillet (2 at a time)
Fry for about 5 mins per side, just until nice and golden brown.
After each piece is done, place on paper towels to drain excess oil.

After all the chicken is golden, place on baking pan, top with sauce, mozz, and parm

Bake for about 10-15 minutes until cheese is golden and bubbly.

Serve over pasta and extra sauce.
I also serve with some crescent rolls, YUM!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 12: When I Grow Up

Oh boy. I think at one point I wanted to be everything under the sun. I'll start off with from what I can remember.

One Christmas my parents got me the greatest gift ever (well, it was to me). They got me a White/Chalk Board... Yes, the kind that real teachers have, but it was mini so it fit perfectly in my room. This was probably their best investment on me, since I got sooooo much use out of it. Once I got this board I instantly became a Teacher (in my mind). I would sit out my stuffed animals, but sometimes I would just pretend, and teach. I had all the fancy markers (those were my favorite). I would have my mom take me to the teaching store, where real teachers buy all their supplies, and I would buy all the supplies as if I had my own class! I had grade books, restroom passes, stickers, projector markers, workbooks, you name it.. I had it. I would spend HOURS in my room teaching, it was great. So I would have to say that I wanted to be a teacher first.

Next, would have to be the days where I wanted to be a Jockey. Yep, a Jockey, the ones in the Kentucky Derby. I started horseback riding around the age of 10, and LOVE it. I made my way up to jumping and galloping, it was amazing. I was convinced that my calling was to be a jockey. Well, I picked dance over riding, which leads to my next "wannabe" career.

Riverdance! In my step dance days, I was SURE that I was going to be a Riverdancer. For those of you who don't know what that is, youtube it :) I loved it so much, and when I saw them preform live, that settled my mind. Well, if you read one of my previous posts, you will know that I had an ankle injury. So there went Riverdance.

Those were all of my super serious choices, and I was definitely settled on each of them for a long time. In between and for the next years, I bounced around my options. Lawyer.. No, too much school. Teacher, nah.. I was a great teacher when I was 7. Doctor.. eh same amount of school as the lawyer, if not longer. Nurse. Yes!

When I entered high school, I joined the nursing program they had. I was in it for a year, but I had a "C" average, so I was not good enough. Well, screw them, because a C is the new A in College. I have my mind set on being a baby nurse. Especially after having my son, I am for sure set on this. I have about a year and a half left until I earn my RN. Yay!

For now, I am a full time mom, and I am LOVING it. There is no greater feeling than cuddling and spending time with ones you love most. It is such a rewarding job, it's not even a job. I absolutely every second of it!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Baby clothes haul!

My addiction has struck again! We went to buy buy baby today, and like I have said in previous posts, I pretty much get overwhelmed in that store and try to buy everything! Well this time we bought a good amount. All the fall and winter clothes are coming out so I got a few outfits that were too cute to pass. I also picked up some shoes and socks, he can't wear these cute clothes barefoot! 

Day 11: Flashbacks (great memories)

As I reflect on my past I can't help but think of all the great opportunities I took part in as well as all of the great family vacations we went on. 

Ill start with my first favorite memory. This was in 2007, I was 14 years old. My parents, sister and I went on a family vacation to Paris and then Ireland (we met up with more family once we got there). This memory was in Paris, the Louvre to be exact. My dad was very into the art and sculptures, opposite of my mom, sister and I. We found ourselves so bored and tired that we were acting out scenarios of ways to get out of there. It was one of those moments where you are very giddy and slap happy. Needless to say, that was the first and last art museum we traveled to. 

Another great memory I have is actually a sum of many great times at the lakes in North Carolina. We always had such a great time, shared with family and friends. I went tubing, waterskiing, cliff jumping and rope swinging for the first time over the times we went back. 

In each of the places I traveled to, all hold many great memories. 
From freshman year in high school to prom and graduation, I have many great memories with great friends over those years.

A memory I will never forget or one that will never be dull in my mind was the day my son was born. Since he is my first child it was such a new, yet beautiful experience. I will hold that moment close to my heart forever.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 10: A day in the life...

So I didn't realize this was the challenge until the middle of the afternoon. Therefore, I haven't really kept track of what I was doing! We did have quite the eventful day though. Daniel and I picked up a good friend of mine and went down to a park to meet up with another friend and her baby! They are a little over a month apart and are so cute! They had fun playing and we had fun watching :)

Once we got back he took a two hour nap, and then we had some more company come over! He is a ladies man and loves to flirt! I sure have my hands full with this heartthrob!

We ended our day with a nice bath and massage and off to sleep he went!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 9: Advice

I have received tons of advice over the years and especially after having Daniel. Most of the time I nod and say thank you, but I pay no attention. However, the best piece of advice I have received would have to be to take every moment for what it is. I posted an entry on realizing how precious time is, and that is so true. I now always take things as the come, good or bad, and make the best out of things. I've learned to look on the bright side, because there are many people out there that have it worse than most people do. I am very thankful for everything and everyone in my life right now, and that is a lot to be grateful for. I have a healthy son, a happy marriage, and a family full of support. If there is any advice I could give to someone it would be exactly what I relieved; never take anything to seriously, and appreciate things for what they are. 

Another piece of advice that I received pertains to breastfeeding. Don't give up, trust your instincts, and keep pushing. 
Nursing was very hard at first, your milk supply has to become established, and while that's happening you are worrying wether or not the baby is getting enough. It's very stressful, but I learned to just keep pushing, keep nursing, and everything will be fine. It's so easy to just give up, but I told myself this is what I wanted to do, so I did it. We are 5
Months strong and he is a nursing champ. It gets easier as the weeks progress, and I'm so glad I never gave up. 


In my post about Daniels 5 month mark, I didn't post about his likes, activities, and milestones! So here are his favorite things  this far!

He LOVES his bouncers (yes, he has two). He will bounce all the time. 
He plays on his activity mat for almost 2 hours every morning! 
He loves to roll, forward and backwards, all over the place! 

He is currently trying to crawl. He is grabbing the floor and pulling him self, like an inchworm. He is inching! So I see crawling in the very near future. 

He is still nursing primarily, and will be introduced to solids after the 6 month mark. No rice cereal or oatmeal for this baby :) 

He LOOOOOVES his pooh bear and blankets. 

He has the sweetest and most contagious belly laughs and smiles. He smiles all the time. 

He bears his weight very very well, and will stand while leaning on something or if you hold his hands. He is not in a walker yet, but soon.

The outdoors has to be his favorite place to be. He is so relaxed the minute I step outside.

Well that's all I can think of for now! 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Feeling down

We went to the hospital around 5:30  and Daniel was told to have Gastroenteritis. That explains his loose bowel movements & vomiting. However, when we got home from the hospital around 7 he had a diaper blowout, followed by blood. TMI, I know. So we took him back and they sent out cultures. For now, he is to keep nursing and take 2 oz of pedialyte an hour after he nurses for two days. We have to follow up with his pediatrician and GI doctor this week. Please say a prayer for our little guy. I hate seeing him not feeling so hot. He has been in good spirits though, and the hospital staff couldn't get enough of him!

On the road again

We are trekking back to sunny south florida after a wonderful weekend! On the flip side, Daniel has come down with something. I'm not sure if it's because he was out of sorts, but he is not him self and is not doing so well. We are taking him to the children's hospital back home, and hopefully everything unfolds okay. 

Our time in St. Augustine was short but fun. The weather was beautiful, the canes won, and we got to see family! Hopefully we will be seeing a lot of this beach house in the future, it was very relaxing.

Ill keep posted on Daniel once we are back in town.

Day 8: Favorite blogs

Since I'm new to this whole blogging thing, I haven't really read many blogs. However, there are two moms that I follow on Instagram that have blogs and I really enjoy reading them! They are everydaybay & braydenmeansbrave :)  

Day 7: craziest thing I have done

I'm not much of a daredevil but one exciting/ crazy thing I have done would be parasailing. I know it's common to do on vacations, so it's not very crazy but let's be honest, it's not the most mellow activity around! I was younger at the time so it made it that much more crazy!! 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Road trip!

We are currently headed to St. Augustine for a weekend of fun & games. The game being UM vs. FL . My dad has instilled in me the die hard support for UM, so I will forever be a fan. On the other hands, two of his brothers are die hard Gator fans, so it is an ongoing family rivalry whenever the two teams play each other. We decided to meet up and watch the game together, and they will be meeting DJ for the first time. It should be lots of fun, and I'm hoping the rain holds off! 

Day 6: Mancandy

Meet my hubby, Alex! He is the man of my dreams and my best friend. We started dating the end of our Junior year in high school, although we were in the same class all year :) He is Salvadorian, so he has a nice tan all year round (I'm super jealous of that). He is into cars, specifically Japanese cars, and loves to drift. When we met he had a car and it was right hand drive, meaning he drove on the opposite side. When he picked me up on our first date, my mom was so confused and thought I was driving his car. It was quite funny. I was so clumsy on our date, I spilled soda all over his glasses and the table, whoops! He is funny, charming, and a bit sarcastic at times, but no where near as sarcastic as I am. He went to school for Welding and currently works for a yacht company, welding and installing towers. He is the BEST father to our baby boy, I am so grateful for him. 

Day 5: I have a secret!

It's not really a secret if you know me very well, but for those who don't, here it is! I was an Irish Step Dancer. I have a very strong Irish background, and when I was younger I really enjoyed step dancing. I danced for Harling Irish Dance Academy and preformed as a dancer in the annual Renaissance Festival. I was the top medalist in my age devisions as well as an elite dancer for the academy. I really wanted to go to worlds, but unfortunately my dance ended abruptly when I tore the ligaments in my ankle. My ankle was able to completely dislocate from the socket, so I had to have surgery. After that, it made dancing hard because I was not able to "rock" and dance with loose ankles as you are supposed to. It was fun while it lasted, but it was upsetting the way it ended. Ill have to go through my scrapbook and find old pictures, since I'm doing this post from my phone :) 

Day 4: What a beautiful day

If you have not picked up on the obvious yet, I am head over heels obsessed with my baby boy. The best day ever is when my husband and I welcomed our first blessing into the world. From the moment I found out I was pregnant I could not wait to meet him. All of his ultrasounds made me so much more anxious and I was so ready to be his mommy. When he finally arrived I was so overwhelmed with joy and love, the feeling is indescribable. 

Day 3: Happy place

I'm happiest when I'm cuddling with Daniel. The bond I have with him is like nothing I can begin to describe. He warms my heart, brightens my day, lights up my smile, and takes away any sadness I have. My other happy place would be the beach! I used to be addicted to going to the beach, but haven't been much since I have been pregnant and now have Daniel. But once it isn't so blazing hot, we will be having many beach trips :) 

Day 2: Guilty Pleasure

If I have to narrow it down to just one, my guilty pleasure would be shopping for my baby! I have a really bad addiction, and should have an intervention before it's too late, but I just can't help myself! I always convince myself, mom, and husband that these are things he "needs" but deep down, I know the truth... He's spoiled! He has so many toys and clothes, probably more than all the kids in my neighborhood combined. 

Oh well, at least he'll always be happy & cute!

This was from one shopping trip, when I was pregnant! Not including his 6 drawer dresser ! 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 1: My Story

I was born in Phoenix, Arizona on June 3rd,1993. Soon after I moved to sunny South Florida with my Mom, Dad, and older sister Meghan. I danced, horseback rode, and did color guard all throughout my school years. I go to our community college and major in Nursing. I would love to be a baby nurse or a lactation consultant. In my junior year of high school, I met my now husband, Alex. We have been together for 3 years & 4 months, and married for 9 months! I became pregnant with the greatest little blessing in July, 2012. I had a pretty up and down pregnancy, sick the whole first trimester, and high-risk from the middle to the end. I delivered a PERFECT, healthy baby boy on April 1st at 8:18 p.m, weighing 6.6 lbs and 21 inches long. His name is Daniel James Castellon, and my world revolves primarily around him! I looooove to cook and eat, mostly the eating part. I am pro extended breastfeeding, babywearing, anti-circ, and all that other "hippie" stuff :) I will always put my family first, and rarely do anything that doesn't involve my son or husband. I love to travel and it would be a dream of mine to travel the world with my family. I want 6 kids, and that's not going to change. I'm a young mom, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Marrying Alex and having my little boy are the greatest things that have happened to me!