Yes I put it bluntly, but there is really no other way to say it. Do you see animals wheeling around a stroller, bottles and having a different place for their offspring to lay? NO! I believe that God intended for ALL species to pretty much parent their children the same. Did you know that only 2% of women are medically not able to breastfeed? Most women either choose not to, don't have the resources, or are misguided by their doctors and other friends. If God gave women breasts to nourish their children, than why wouldn't it work? Yes, Breastfeeding takes patience and it is a learning process on both ends. However that does not mean give up! The first 6 weeks or so were VERY tough on me. I have an oversupply now, but do you think I had that in the first place? NO! If you want something, you have to work at it.
On the topic of cribs. Daniel does sleep in his crib, however we also co-sleep if either A) It is nap time, B) He isn't digging the crib that night, or C) I just want to cuddle. Co-sleeping is NOT bad, you need to practice safety most importantly. I hear people, even doctors say, let you child cry in their crib, that is the only way they will get used to it. Um, nope. Obviously they are crying because they need love from their mother and their needs are not being met. Do you really think that because they stop crying that they are used to the crib? NO. They have stopped crying because they have realized that the person that is supposed to meet their needs has abandoned them. Sad, huh. I NEVER let Daniel cry it out. It is just inhumane to me.
Babywearing! Yes we use our stroller. And yes, I also have a sling or carrier with me at all times. I love babywearing and so does Daniel. It is much easier than pushing around a stroller and it gives baby a sense of security and comfort.
This is just my opinion and way of doing things. I understand each parent has different circumstances and what works for you is great! I, by no means, am aiming to judge anyone!
Thanks for reading :)
Thanks for reading :)
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