Hey everyone!
It has been quite the month so far. Lately, I have been feeling like
nothing is getting done because I am so focused on Daniel all the time. Whenever I do get a free minute (like his naps) I am always doing something around the house, or if I'm exhausted, I take a nap too! With him being so curious, it's hard to do much other than watch him like a hawk.
This morning he had his
9 month checkup (even though he's 38 wks), and the doctor was very happy with his development!!
20.3 pounds (53%)
30.3 inches (98%)
18.9 head circumference (96%)
So basically he will either be a basketball player, or a lawyer =) The kid has some good DNA!
His newest discoveries include
picking his nose (ladies man for sure), waving, getting into a sitting position all by himself, becoming braver and standing alone with one handed support.
More words are coming out, such as: Uh Oh, bye bye (sometimes, still working on getting it down good), Baw (ball), and he is saying Mama much more! Yippie.
love for food seems to be increasing by each meal! We started introducing yogurts and puddings. I go to Whole Foods Market and get the dairy free kinds. Our favorite are the
greek style almond milk yogurt. These have 6g of protein and have probiotics just like regular whole milk yogurt, so it's a great breakfast for him!
Let's talk
I hate them! Every time I hear someone say "I didn't even know my baby was teething, he/she never showed signs" I just want to slap them!!!!!
Teething has been such a roller coaster with Daniel. His four bottoms are pretty much completely out, along with his top two eye teeth. One of the top middle teeth is through, and now the second is right on the verge of coming out, I can see it bulging. At Whole Foods I found this heavenly oil called
Gum-Omile, and it is natural Essential Oils blended to provide relief for teething babes. I rub it on his gums and I immediately see the effects of it working.. I do think it makes him slobber a little more, but I would take slobber over screaming ANY day!
Well, we hope you are all enjoying the lovely weather here in Florida, and if you're a reader not in Fl, I hope you're enjoying wherever you are!