This tag has been going around the Youtube community for quite some time now. I have read a couple of blogs, and decided to feature it on mine as well. These are some hot button topics, and I will share my honest opinion about them, as well as provide links for those who wish to educate themselves on the topics that I stand strongly for. I hope you find it interesting, and I'd like to hear what everyone else has to say.
Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice
* I am Pro-Life. I understand that there are circumstances where it was not the woman's choice to get pregnant (such as rape) however, I firmly believe that there are other options such as adoption. Everyone has the right to live, and I think it is unfair to take that away from an unborn baby.
* Love it! I have been wearing Daniel since he was a newborn. I had to search through many carriers to become comfortable with my two favorite. I also love my stroller. Sometimes my back hurts, or Daniel wants to wiggle around and play, a stroller is perfect for that. Whatever momma is comfortable with is what works for me.
* Daniel is NOT circumcised. This is the most debated topic among moms. I am strongly against circumcision of a newborn for NON-MEDICAL reasons. For any one to consent to their child's painful genital cutting for cosmetic purposes-to look like their father, or because they think it's "cleaner" is absurd to me. If daddy has his ears pierced, will you pierce your son's also? No... As for the cleaner reason, is it that hard to teach your son to wash himself properly? All of these MYTHS have been debunked over and over again. Female genital cutting has been made illegal, and I am happy to know that male genital cutting is WELL on it's way to becoming illegal as well. Leave your perfect boy WHOLE, he was born with it for MANY reasons. It is your job as a mom to research these things before your child is born, so here are some links.
* I think adoption is a beautiful thing. I know from a friends experience that it is heartbreaking & long at times, but also so selfless and joyful. I would love to adopt a baby. There are so many children longing for a loving home, and to be able to give that to a child couldn't bring me more happiness.
Baby Piercing
* I am against piercing babies. I feel that it should be the child's right what happens to their body. I didn't get my ears pierced until I was 7 I believe, and I made that choice. Same will apply if I have a daughter. Yes, it's cute.. It'll be cute when she's older too :)
Breast feeding vs. Formula
* Daniel is breastfed. I believe there is a time and place for formula. I know moms personally who would kill to exclusively breastfeed, but it is not happening for them. If formula works for you, great. As long as your baby is fed & thriving, that should be all that matters. I do however believe every mother should try to breastfeed, not just pass it off. It is the healthiest thing for your little baby, and yourself as well. I had issues in the beginning, and these links helped me push past them.
* I do not believe in spanking. I feel that there are other approaches of disciplining that are more beneficial to teaching your child right from wrong.
Home vs. Public vs. Private vs. Charter Schooling
* Thats a tounge twister! I love the idea of homeschooling, as long as there are plenty of other opportunities for the child to socialize. My husband and I were both in public schools (I was in private for a little while) and I feel that as long as they are good schools, then why not. If you have the money for private school, good for you! Whatever floats your boat is my view on this topic.
* Daniel IS vaccinated. I have been looking into other pediatricians that will do a delayed & staggered schedule, because I really hate the idea of him getting pricked so many times at once. My husband and I were vaccinated growing up, and I believe that they are created for many reasons. I know this is also a very hot subject, and I am still doing reading about vaccines. If you are a non-vax parent, I would love to hear your views.
* I believe that there is a time and place for medicine. After all of the natural remedies have been exhausted and nothing is helping, medication is a wonderful alternative. I have only had to give Daniel Tylenol a handful of times after finding great natural remedies. If you have any questions about such things, please let me know and I would be happy to help.
Cloth vs. Disposable diapering
* I use disposable diapers with Daniel. I love the idea of cloth, and will most likely go that route with my next child. For disposables, we really love The Honest Company diapers. They're cute, and great on his sensitive tushie.
Cry- It- Out Method
* Heck no. I do not believe this is the right way to get your child to sleep. There are many ways to put a baby to sleep, and leaving he or she in a dark room alone to cry is NOT the way to do that. Daniel has been sleeping through the night all alone since 2 months old with out having to CIO. Does this mean that you can't leave the room for a minute to collect yourself? NO. I know there are times where you get super frustrated and need to calm down.
I hope this can shed some light for other mommas out there. All the links provided have helped me tremendously to make the right decisions.
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