When I started nursing, it was tough. I thought it will just be easy peasy since we were made to make milk. Wrong. Although I had no problems with latching or my milk coming in, I did have a problem with oversupply. In hindsight people may think that's a wonderful thing, but it is not! Having an oversupply is very frustrating actually. Daniel became very gassy, causing him to be fussy and I could not figure it out until I started to read more. Oversupply causes an imbalance of you're fore milk & hind milk, and a really fast letdown. This causes gas, diaper explosions, and even colic. It was hard at first because I could not keep it under control, but with support from my doctors, family, and loving husband I pushed through and finally am balanced out! If you are having supply trouble, I recommend finding a recipe for lactation cookies! I made a couple of batches and they really do work! I also pump when ever I get a chance, but since he nurses all day I usually wake up early morning and pump, then freeze it for when it's needed! I use the ameda pump, and it's awesome!
Since he had diaper explosions, he was getting the worst rashes. I was trying everything! I finally came across a photo that showed how to make my own wipes! Well call me crazy but I have away all the store wipes and started making my own! Along with that, I used coconut oil for diaper cream and it is fabulous! Plus, your baby will smell like coconuts which is nice :) Incase anyone is interested the wipes are easy to make! Bounty napkins(has to be bounty, plain ones), 2tbsp coconut oil, 2tbsp any baby wash, and 2 cups of water.. Heat it up so the coconut oil melts and blends, then pour it onto the napkins and let sit about an hour to work it's magic! Wala!
For his gas, gripe water has been our savior! We tried the gas drops, but didn't do much. On the flip side, gripe water has him tooting like a train! Who doesn't love baby farts :)
Well that's all I can think of for now, but if there's anything else ill post a new one!
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